It seems strange to think that two sides in a county can differ so
much... That is until you realise, it's Dublin and everyone
automatically understands this concept.
To clarify, I'm a
Northsider...*awaits cheers but then realises what was just said*... But
this will in no way inhibit me from making a completely unbiased
comparison, not that I'd need to try and speak ill of the
Northside as it kinda does that itself by just existing! Oh I'm sorry
Northside, I'd try and understand a bit better but your self-created
speech impediments deny me from doing so.
Okay, I guess it's not
fair to just slate the Northside because apparently, they're people
too... So to make things fair... Roysh, Roysh, Skobe, D4, Daddy's
Company, Heino, Where's my butler?, I have more money than brain cells.
Now that that's out of the way I can begin to make a proper comparison.
Getting around the Northside is pretty straight forward. If you walk, you'll probably end up running.
The Bus is handy except for the fact that it likes to take it's sweet
time deciding what to wear before actually leaving the station and
eventually getting to your bus stop. However, once it's there you can
hop on (presuming you weren't stabbed while waiting an extremely long
time) and it usually leaves you quite close to anywhere you want to go.
Drawbacks include; It's on the Northside; it's a bus!
There is
always the option of a DART, which stands for Dublin Area Rapid Transit,
which I can't help thinking; Why didn't they say Rappih' instead of
Rapid, it really doesn't suite the 'lingo' over here. Anyway, it's fast
and effiecient however it seems to be a popular drinking place for some
Drawbacks include; It's on the Northside; it's a Train!
only other options include, a Nissan Mirca with more customizations
than Myspace that sounds like a subwoofer was shoved in the exhaust
which wll make you 'deadly' or a horse... which will make you 'deadlier
dan deadly'.
The Northside has it's bad
share of areas and people. It seems the more run-down an area, the more
drugs you're supposed to take. The scangers that are profusely scattered
around the place and like to be as anti-social as 'anti' will allow.
They like to wear hoodies with the hoods up all the time, even when it's
not raining but I guess that's just incase it does start raining, that
way, they're ahead of everyone else... There is also a strange tradition
of loitering outside shops without actually having the intent of buying
anything. If you're looking for drugs, you won't have to go far...
Outside your doorstep should do. There are other issues like Gangland
violence and poverty which I'm not bothered getting into.
not to say the Northside is ALL bad, though. There are certain areas
which are quite pleasant and tend to lack the rough social and
residential obstacles as other areas.
All-in-all, it's a good and bad area but in my personal opinion, there is more bad than good.
a slightly more luxurious feel to transport in the Southside. If you're
not flying to work in 'Daddy's Helicopter' you're probably driving
there in your Mercedes CLS 350 or your BMW 5 Series. Or, your being driven in a limo.
far as Southsiders are concerned, there is no such thing as the DART or
Dublin Bus in that area, as a Southsider taking public transport is
downright unheard of!
The only exception is of course, is, the
Luas! Yes the shiny metal tram that is kind of a DART/Dublin Bus hybrid
but is just as, (if not) slower than both of them combined.
I'd say there is not much walking in the Southside either. I would think Segway's have taken care of that little problem.
be honest there not much else to say about it. As the current sterytype
goes, everyones Father on the Southside owns a company and therefore
means everyone has so much money, they use it as toilet paper.
so again the sterotype goes, if you live in the Southside ,then that
automcatically means you have a mansion for a house. This is a complete
fabrication and I've been told that some areas, are WORSE than the
Northside...*GASP* Yes that's right, be afraid, Northsiders, roysh? The
thing is, I can't help thinking that a mugging in the Southside would be
a less frightening ordeal. I picture the mugger dressed in a Pinstripe
suit, holding a rare expensive double-barrel 12-gauge. The dialoge being
something like: "I say old chap, would you give me all your focking
valuable items? I would not want to test my 18th Centuary Shotgun on
your facial structure, roysh?" I'll admit right now that besides the
words 'Focking' and 'Roysh', there was absolutely no connection to the
Southside with that dialoge.
So, in terms of the Southside, there are some really good and some horribly bad places to be.
sum up, yes, I COULD have covered many other topics of both 'Sides' but
the truth is, I didn't fucking want to! There is no other way to look
at these 'Sides' other than... They both have good and shit places and
they are both good and shit to be in. In my personal opinion, I think
that it's not about IF either side has shit areas but more, HOW MANY
shit areas and I think that trophy goes to the Northside. A way to
describe each side would be this: The Southside is (sterotypically) A
wealthy Drama queen, who's only fame is having alot of money...The
Northside is (sterotypically) a poverty stricken chimney sweep, who's
life goal is to be the biggest, most notorious heroin trafficker ever.
So dats da bleedin' shtory, peace out, roysh?
This blog was also orginially posted on Facebook on the April 11, 2010.